GAMA is providing quality of services with a wide range to our partners. We collaborate with researchers, academia, farm practitioners, input suppliers and resource managers to help achieve the goal of food for all as well as health and prosperity. GAMA team puts high value to protect our ecosystem and delivers disciplines of service and sustainable solutions in Agriculture including Dairy and Livestock.
- Broad-acres staple grain, oilseeds, fiber and sugarcane cropping systems
- Dairy & livestock, horticulture, aquaculture, floriculture, agro-forestry systems
- Sectoral governance, policy and enabling environment
- Market research, branding and go-to-market routes
- Value-chain linkages
- Socio-economic & environmental Impact assessments
- Agri-resource assessment
- Inputs: seed, fertilizer, agrochemicals and finances
- Climate Smart Agriculture, policy, planning and adoption
- Farm surveying, designing and development
- Equipment & farm machinery: Design, delivery and adoption
- Irrigation system design and adoption
- Business development strategies, tools and producing more with less
- Competitiveness strategies
- Industrial, technical, operational & management training
- Compliance and certifications
- Fuel alternates
- Production management improvement
- Drones, Aerial Monitoring, Surveillance, Pest management
- AI Technologies in Agriculture
- Top plant and animal genetics
- Rural development and livelihood improvement
- Private Sector Development
- Market development for poor (M4P)
- Regenerative Crop Production Process
- Project Design and Management
- Connecting the dots
- Storage systems and warehouse receipt system
- Land reclamation and restoring soil health
- Dairy and livestock management
- Value addition& Food System
- Food security, sustainable communities & climate change
- Technology transfer and adoption
- Corporate social responsibility
- Collective farming, Contract production, high value crops
- Reducing harvest and post-harvest losses
- Eco communities
- Productivity enhancement
- Crop insurance linkage
- Poverty alleviation
- Ethical investment in agribusiness
- Market Development